| 划词

Artificial sweeteners are used in soft drinks.



Coca-cola is a soft drink.



Cola is a soft drink.



The presence of isomaltose may be used as indicators of the corn syrup as sweetener in soft drink...



In the giant tents soft drinks and hot chocolate with marshmallows and candyfloss were served to the children, with the adults drinking mulled (hot) wine and beer.




alecithal, alecithic, aleck, aleconner, alecost, Alecto, Alectoromorphae, alee, alegar, Alegria, alehouse, Aleichem, Aleixandre, Aleksandropol, Aleksandrovsk, Alemanni, Alemannic, Alembert, alembic, alembicated, alembication, alembroth, alemmal, Alencon, Alenconnes, alendronate, alenestrol, ALEP, aleph, aleph-naught, alephnull, alephzero, alepidote, Alepocephaloidei, Aleppo, Aleppo boil, alerce, alerdex, alert, alerter, alert-headed, alerting, alertly, alertness, Alerton, alertor, alerts, alesan, Alessandria, alete, Alethea, alethia, alethopterid, alethopterids, aletocyte, aletophyte, aleucemia, aleucia, aleucocytosis, aleudrin, aleukemia, aleukemic, aleukemoid, aleukocytic, aleukocytosis, aleuriospore, aleurispore, aleurite, aleurometer, aleuron, aleuronat, aleurone, aleuronic, aleuronoid, aleuroplast, aleuroscope, Aleurtes, Aleut, Aleutian, Aleutian Islands, aleutite, A-level, alevin, alewife, Alex, Alex Haley, Alexa, Alexander, Alexander Archipelago, Alexander Bell, Alexander Graham Bell, Alexander Pope, Alexander the Great, Alexanderson, Alexandra, Alexandre Dumas, Alexandretta, Alexandria, Alexandrian, Alexandrine, alexandrite, alexanrite, Alexbow, alexeteric, alexia, Alexian, alexidine, alexin, alexine, alexipharmic, Alexis, alexithymia, Alexius I, alexofixagen, alexofixin, alexoite, aleyard, aleydigism, Aleyrodidae, Aleyrodomorpha, ALF, alfa, Alfacron, alfadolone, alfafoetoprotein, alfalfa, alfalfa-leaf, alfalfone, alfameter, alfaqui, Alfatox, alfaxalone, ALFC, Alfenide, Alfenol, alfentanil, alfer, alferium, Alfero, Alferon, alferric, Alfie, Alfieri, alfilaria, alfileria, alfilerillo, alfine, Alfisol, Alfol, alfoncine, alfoncino, Alfonso, Alforgas, alforja, Alfred, Alfred Bernhard Nobel, Alfred Hitchcock, Alfred Nobel, Alfred North Whitehead, Alfred the Great, Alfreda, Alfredo, alfresco, alftalat, Alfur, alg, alga, algae, algaecide, algal, algal cell, algaline, algam, alganesthesia, algarite, algaroba, algaroth, algarroba, algarrobilla, Algarve, algarvite, algas, algate, algatron, algazel, algebra, algebraic, algebraic language, algebraic number, algebraical, algebraicspace, algebraictopology, algebraicvariety, algebraist, algebraize, algebras, algebrist, Algeciras, algefacient, Algenib, Alger, Algeria, Algerian, Algerian Dinar, Algerie, algerine, Algerish, algerite, Algernon, Algers, algesia, algesic, algesimeter, algesimetry, algesiogenic, algesireceptor, algesiroreceptor, algesthesia, Algestone, algetic, algicide, algicole, algid, algidity, Algiers, algin, alginate, alginic, alginic acid, alginite, Alginobacter, Alginomonas, alginuresis, algite, algochronometer, algocyan, algodonite, algogenesia, algogenesis, algogenic, algoid, ALGOL, algolagnia, algologist, algology, Algols, algomenorrhea, algometer, algometric, algometrical, algometry, algondon, Algonkian, Algonkin, Algonquian, Algonquin, algophagous, algophobia, algopsychalia, algor, algorism, algorithm, algorithmic, algorithmic language, algorithmization, algoscopy, algosol, algospasm, algous, algovite, algraphy, Algren, alguacil, alguazil, algum, ALH, Alhambra, Alhambraic, Alhambresque, Alhazen, alhedonia, Alhena, alhenna, alhidade, Ali, Aliaf, alias, aliase, aliases, aliasing, alibendol, alibi, alibility, alibis, alible, Alicante, Alice, alice-in-wonderland, Alicep, alices, Alicia, alicyclic, alidade, alidochlore, alien, alienability, alienable, alienage, alienate, alienated, alienation, alienation of affection, alienative, alienator, alienee, alienia, alienicola, alienism, alienist, alienor, aliens, aliesterase, ali-esterase, aliethmoid, alif, a-life, alifer, alifera, aliferous, aliform, Aligarh, alight, align, alignability, aligned, alignement, aligner, aligning, aligninum, alignment, aligrab, aligreek, alike, alima, alimachite, Alimasillillm, alimemazine, aliment, alimental, alimentary, alimentary canal, alimentary tract, alimentation, alimentative, alimenter, alimentology, alimentotherapy, alimony, alinamin, alinating, aline, A-line, alinement, alingual, alinotum, aliobar, aliomycin, Alioth, alipamide, AliPay, aliped, aliphatic, aliphatics, alipite, alipogenetic, alipotropic, alipterion, Alipur, aliquant, aliquat, aliquation, aliquot, aliquot part, Alisa, aliseptal, Alismaceae, Alismataceae, Alismatales, Alismatidae, alismin, aliso, alisol, Alison, alisonite, Alissa, alist, Alister, A-lister, alit, Alitalia, alite, aliteracy, aliterate, alitization, alitizing, alitrunk, aliturgical, aliunde, alive, alivincular, aliya, aliyah, alizapride, alizarin, alizarin crimson, alizarin-carmine, alizarine, alizarinopurpurin, alizaris, alizathrene, alkadiene, alkadiyne, alkahest, alkalemia, alkalescence, alkalescent, alkali, alkali metal, alkali-antimonides, alkalic, alkalidavyne, alkali-dimer, alkalied, alkalies, alkalifast, alkaliferous, alkalifitable, alkali-free, alkalifreeglass, alkalify, Alkaligenes, alkali-metasomatism, alkalimeter, alkalimetric, alkalimetrictitration, alkalimetry, alkaline, alkaline earth, alkaline-flooding, alkalinesubstance, alkalinity, alkalinization, alkalinize, alkalinous, alkalinuria, alkalion, alkalipenia, alkalipoisoning, alkali-poisoning, alkali-resistant, alkalis, alkalitherapy, alkalitropism, alkality, alkalization, alkalize, alkalizer, alkaloid, alkaloidal, alkalometry, alkalosis, alkalotherapy, alkalotic, alkalsite, alkaluria, alkamine, alkane, alkanes, alkanesulfonamide, alkanet, alkanisation, alkanna, alkannin, alkanoate, alkanol, alkanolamide, alkanolamine, alkapton, alkaptonase, alkaptonuria, alkarsin, alkarsine, alkaryl, alkarylamine, Alkathene, alkavervir, alkekengi, alkene, alkenes, alkenyl, alkeran, alkermes, alki, alkide, alkine, alkiodide, Alkmaar, alkoholase, alkone, Alkoran, alkoxide, alkoxy, alkoxycarbonyl, alkoxyl, alkoxylate, alkoxylation, alkoxyorganosilane, alkron, alky, alkyd, alkyd resin, alkyl, alkyl group, alkyl halide, alkyl radical, alkylamine, alkylate, alkylation, alkylbenzene, alkylbenzene sulfonate, alkylene, alkyleneoxide, alkylferrocene, alkylic, alkylide, alkylidene, alkylogen, alkylolysis, alkylphenol, alkylphenyl, alkylphosphonate, alkylsilanol, alkylsulfonate, alkyne, alkynes, alkynol, alkynyl, all, all along, all around, all at once, all but, all clear, all day, all day long, all for it, all fours, all in all, all in all out, all inclusive, all kinds of, all night long, all of a sudden, All Of It, All of Me, all of you, all or none, all out, all over, all over the country, all over the world, all right, all risks, all round, all rounder, all sorts of, all the best, all the same, all the same to, all the time, all the way, all the while, all the year round, all through, all thumbs, all together, all told, alla, Allabatis, allachesthesia, allactite, all-aged, allagite, Allah, Allahabad, allalinite, allamanda, all-american, Allan, allanite, allantoenteric, allantogenesis, allantoic, allantoid, allantoin, allantoinase, allantoinuria, allantois, allantospore, allantotoxicon, allargando, allaround, all-around, allassotherapy, allatectomy, allative, allatostatin, allatotropin, Allautal, allay, allayer, all-cast, allcharite, all-clear, all-congnering, all-conquering, all-day, all-diffused, allecret, Alleculidae, allee, allegation, allege, alleged, allegedly, alleghanyite, Allegheny Mountains, allegiance, allegiant, allegoric, allegorical, allegorically, allegorist, allegorization, allegorize, allegory, Allegra, allegretto, allegro, allegros, allel, allele, all-electric, all-electronic, alleles, allelic, allelism, allelobrachial, allelocatalysis, allelochemicals, allelochemics, allelochemistry, allelogenous, allelomimicry, allelomorph, allelomorphism, allelopathicsubstance, allelopathy, allelotaxy, allelotrope, allelotropism, allelotropy, allelotype, alleluia, allemande, all-embracing, allemontite, Allen, allen screw, allen wrench, Allenby, allene, allenes, allenite, Allentiac, Allentown, alleosis, allergen, allergenic, allergenicity, allergia, allergic, allergic reaction, allergic rhinitis, allergic to, allergid, allergie, allergin, allergist, allergization, allergodermia, allergoid, allergology, allergometry, allergosis, allergy, Allescheria, allethrin, allevardite, alleviant, alleviate, alleviation, alleviative, alleviator, alleviatory, all-expense, alley, alley cat, alley way, Alleynian, alleyoop, alley-oop, alleys, alleyway, Allfather, All-father, all-fired, all-function, all-glass, allgovite, Allhallowmas, Allhallows, Allhal-lows, Allhallowtide, allheal, all-heal, alliaceous, alliance, Allibanis, Allibat, allicin, allicinol, allidochlor, allied, allier, Allies, alligation, alligator, alligator clip, alligator pear, alligator sinensis, alligator wrench, alligatorfish, Alligatorinae, alligatoring, alligator-skin, alliin, alliinase, allimportant, all-important, allin, all-in, all-inclusive, all-in-one, allision, Allison, allistatin, allite, alliterate, alliteration, alliterative, allitic, allitization, allitol, allium, Allium sativum, alliums, allivalite, all-knowing, all-knowingness, allmains, all-mains, all-metal, allness, all-night, allnighter, allo, allo-, alloantibody, alloantigen, alloantiserum, allobar, allobarbital, allobaric, allobiosis, alloc, allocable, allo-cardenolide, allocarpy, allocate, allocatedchannel, allocatee, allocation, allocation unit, allocationtheory, allocator, allocatur, allocheiria, allochem, allochesthesia, allochetite, allochiria, allocholane, allocholestanoe, allocholestanone, allochroic, allochroite, allochromatic, allochromatism, allochromy, allochthon, allochthone, allochthonous, allochthonoustheory, allocinesia, allocinesis, alloclamide, allococaine, allocortex, allocs, allocution, allocycly, allod, allodelphite, allodial, allodiality, allodially, allodiploid, allodiplomonosome, allodium, allodromy, Alloeocoela, allogamous, allogamy, allogene, allogeneic, allogeneity, allogenetic, allogenous, allogonite, allograft, allografting, allograph, Allogromiidae, Allogromiina, allogrooming, allogynogenesis, allohaploid, alloheteroploid, alloheteroploidy, allohexaploid, allohistocompatibility, allohistoincompatibility, alloimmune, alloimmunity, alloimmunization, alloiogenesis, alloiogenisis, alloisomerism, allo-isomerism, allokinesis, allokite, allolactose, allolalia, allomer, allomeric, allomerism, allomerization, allomethadione, allomethylose, allometric, allometron, allometropia, allometrosis, allometry, allomicrite, allomnesia, allomone, allomorph, allomorphes, allomorphism, allomorphite, allomorphosis, allomorphous, Allomyces, allomycin, allonal, allonge, allonym, allonymous, alloocimene, allopalladium, alloparent, alloparents, allopath, allopathic, allopathist, allopathy, allopatric, allopatrically, allopatry, allopelagic, allophanate, allophane, allophanyl, allophanylaniline, allophasis, allophone, allophonic, allophore, allophrase, allophthalmia, allophycocyanin, alloplasm, alloploidy, allopolyhaploid, allopolyploid, allopolyploidy, allopregnane, alloprene, allopsychic, allopsychosis, allopurinol, allopyrine, allorgentum, allorhythmia, all-or-none, all-or-nothing, allosaur, allosaurus, alloscutum, allose, alloskarn, allosome, allosteatodes, allosteric, allosterism, allosteroid, allostery, allosynapsis, allosyndesis, allosyndisis, allot, allotee, alloter, allotetraploid, allotheism, allotherapy, Allotheria, allothigene, allothimorph, allotment, allotmenteer, allotopia, allotoxin, allotransplant, allotransplantation, allotrioblast, allotriomorphic, allotriomorphism, allotriophagy, allotriosmia, allotriploid, allotrope, allotrophic, allotrophy, allotropic, allotropicity, allotropicsubstance, allotropism, allotropize, allotropy, allotrylic, allottava, allotted, allottee, allotter, allotype, allotypy, allout, all-out, allover, all-overish, all-overs, allow, allow for, allowable, allowably, allowance, allowed, allowedly, alloxan, alloxanthine, alloxuremia, alloxuria, alloy, alloy cast iron, alloy steel, alloyable, alloyage, alloybath, alloyed, alloying, alloys, allozygote, allozyme, all-party, all-pass, all-pervading, all-pervasive, allpossessed, all-possessed, allpowerful, all-powerful, all-purpose, allred, all-relay, all-right, allround, all-round, all-rounder, all-rubber, all-season, all-seater, allseed, all-seed, all-sided, allsorts, allspice, all-star, all-steel, Allston, all-time, all-transistor, all-trans-retinal, allude, allulose, allumage, allume, allumen, all-up-weight, allure, allurement, allurer, alluring, alluringly, allusion, allusive, alluvia, alluvial, alluvial cone, alluvial deposit, alluvial fan, alluvial soil, alluviation, alluvideserta, alluvion, alluvium, all-wave, all-weather, all-welded, allwork, ally, ally with, all-year, allyl, allyl alcohol, allyl resin, allylacetone, allylalcohol, allylamine, allylate, allylation, allylcarbamide, allylcarbinol, allylene, allylestrenol, allylic, allylidene, allylin, allyloxy, allylthiourea, allyltrichlorosilane, allylurea, Allylveratrole, allyxycarb, alm, Alma, alma mater, Alma-Ata, Almada, Almaden, almag, Almagest, almah, Almalec, almanac, almanack, almandine, almandite, almanographer, almarcetin, almashite, Almasil, Almasilium, Alma-Tadema, almatol, Almaty, alme, almecillin, Almeida, Almelec, almemar, almeraite, almestrone, Almeter, almightiness, almighty, Alminal, alminize, alminoprofen, almique, almirah, almit, almon, almond, almond oil, almond tree, almond-eyed, almonds, almondwood, almoner, almonry, almost, alms, almsdeed, almsfolk, almsgiver, almsgiving, almshouse, alms-house, almsman, almswoman, almucantar, almuce, almug, Almulit, almytol, ALN, alnager, alneon, alni, alnic, alnico, Alnilam, Alnisi, alnoite, Alnovol, alnuoid, Alnus, alnusenone, alocasia, alochia, alod, alodan, alodium, Aloe, aloe vera, aloe-emodin, aloes, aloeswood, aloetic, aloetin, aloewood, Alofi, aloft, alogia, alogical, alogotrophy, aloha, Aloha State, aloin, aloma, alomin, Alon, alone, along, along with, alongshore, alongshoreman, alongside, alonimide, Alonso, aloof, aloofness, alopecia, alopecia areata, Alopiidae, aloresinotannol, alors, alos, Alost, aloud, alow, Alox, aloxanthine, aloxiprin, aloxite, Aloyco, Aloysius, alp, alpaca, alpach, alpage, Alpaka, Alpakka, alpargata, alpax, alpeen, Alpenclock, alpenglow, alpenhorn, alpenstich, alpenstock, Alperm, alpertine, alpestrine, alpha, alpha and omega, alpha decay, alpha particle, alpha rhythm, alpha test, alpha wave, alpha-adrenergic, alphabet, alphabet soup, alphabetic, alphabetic character, alphabetic writing, alphabetical, alphabetically, alphabetization, alphabetize, alphabetography, alpha-blocker, alpha-capacity, alphacellulose, alphacetylmethadol, alphadione, alphaduct, alpha-fetoglobulin, alphafetoprotein, alpha-finite, alphagalactosidase, alphahelical, alphahypophamine, alpha-interferon, alphameprodine, alphameric, alphamethadol, alphametic, alphanol, alphanumeric, alphanumeric display, alphaprodine, alpha-receptor, alpha-recursion, alphascope, alpha-tocopherol, alphatopic, alphatron, Alphatype, alphavirus, Alpheidae, alphelasma, Alpheus, alphoid, Alphonse, alphonsia, Alphonso, Alphonsus, alphorn, alphosis, alphyl, Alpides, alpine, alpine glacier, Alpinia, alpinin, alpinine, alpinism, alpinist, alpinone, alpland, alprazolam, alprenolol, Alps, alptop, ALPURCOMS, Al-Qaida, ALR, Alray, already, alrestatin, alright, ALS, Alsaca, Alsace, alsad, Alsatia, Alsatian, alsbachite, ALSE, Alsek, alseroxylon, alsex, Alsia, Alsifer, alsifilm, alsi-film, alsike, alsimag, Alsimin, alsiron, alsium, also, Alsop, ALSOR, alsoran, also-ran, alsorunner, Alstom, Alston, alstonamine, Alstonia, alstonia-leaf, alstonin, alstonine, alstroemeria, alsttl, alt, ALT., Alta, ALTAC, Altadena, Altai, Altai Mountains, Altaian, Altaic, Altaides, Altair, altait, altaite, Altamaha, Altamira, altar, altar boy, altarage, ALTARE, altarpiece, altars, altarwise, altazimuth, Altdorf, alter, alter ego, alterability, alterable, alterant, alteration, alterations, alterative, altercate, altercation, altering, alterm, altern, alternando, alternant, Alternaria, alternariatoxicosis, alternarin, alternataly-pinnate, alternate, alternately, alternating, alternating current, alternating-current, alternation, alternation of generations, alternative, alternative energy, alternative medicine, alternatively, alternativeoption, alternatives, alternator, alterne, alternizer, altezol, althea, altherbosa, althesin, Althing, althiomycin, altho, althorn, although, alti-, altichamber, altielectrograph, alti-electrograph, altierfen, altigraph, altimeter, altimetry, altiplanation, altiplano, altiport, altiscope, altisonant, altissimo, altithermal, altitude, altitude sickness, altitudetraining, altitudinal, altizide, Altmag, Altman, alto, alto clef, altocumulus, altofrequency, altogether, altoherbiprata, altoherbosa, altometer, Alton, Altona, altonimbus, Altoona, altorelievo, alto-relievo, altorilievo, alto-rilievo, altos, Altosid, altostratocumulus, altostratus, Altozar, altra-mizer, ALTRAN, altrasonograph, ALTREC, altrices, altricial, altricialism, altricious, altrigenderism, altrose, altruism, altruist, altruistic, altus, ALU, alucol, aludel, aludip, Aludirome, aludrox, Aludur, alufer, alufibrate, aluflex, alugel, alula, alulae, alular, alulet, alulotion, alum, aluma, alumag, Alumagnese, Alumal, aluman, alumatol, alumbre, alum-carmine, alumchromite, alumel, alumen, alumetizing, alumian, alumina, Aluminac, aluminate, alumincoat, alumine, aluminiferous, aluminise, aluminising, aluminite, aluminium, aluminium bronze, aluminium chloride, aluminium foil, aluminium hydroxide, aluminium oxide, aluminium-nickel, aluminize, aluminized steel, aluminizing, aluminoboriding, aluminography, aluminon, aluminonickel, alumino-nickel, aluminosilicate, aluminosilicophosphate, aluminosis, aluminothermic, aluminothermics, aluminothermy, aluminotype, aluminous, aluminum, aluminum bronze, aluminum chloride, aluminum foil, aluminum hydroxide, aluminum oxide, alumiseal, alumite, alumna, alumnae, alumnal, alumni, alumnus, alumoberyl, alumobritholite, alumochalcosiderite, alumochromite, alumoferroascharite, alumogel, alumogoethite, alumohematite, alumohydrocalcite, alumolimonite, alumoweld, alumroot, alumstone, alumyte, alundum, Aluneon, alunite, alunitization, Alunize, alunogen, Alura, alure, alurgite, Alusil, Alusirion, alustite, aluta, alutaceous, alutation, aluzyme, Alva, Alvan, alvar, Alvarado, alvardite, Alvarez, alveobronchiolitis, alveogram, alveograph, alveolar, alveolar process, alveolar ridge, alveolarsubstance, alveolate, alveolation, alveolectomy, alveoli, alveolitis, alveolitoid, alveolization, alveoloplasty, alveolotomy, alveolus, alveolysis, alveomycin, Alvera, alverine, alveus, alvin, Alvina, alvine, alvinolith, alvite, alway, always, always-on, alychne, Alydidae, alymphia, alymphocytosis, alymphoplasia, alymphopotent, alyphite, alypine, alysmus, Alyson, alysosis, Alyssa, alyssum, alzen, Alzheimer’s, Alzheimer's disease, am, ama, amaas, Amabel, amacrinal, amacrine, amacronucleate, AMADA, amadan, amadavat, Amadeus, amadinone, Amadis, Amado, amadou, amafolone, Amagasaki, amagat, amah, amaigamate, amain, amaiosis, amakinite, amakrine, amakusa, Amal, amala, amaldar, Amalek, Amalekite, amalgam, amalgamable, amalgamate, amalgamating-pan, amalgamation, amalgamative, amalgamator, amalgambarrel, Amalia, Amalog, Amalthea, Amamee, Amami-gunto, Amanda, amandin, amandine, AMANI, amanita, amanitin, amantadine, amanthophilous, amantocillin, amanuensis, amara, amaranth, amaranth family, Amaranthaceae, amaranthine, Amaranthus retroflexus, amarantite, amarasterone, amarelle, amaretto, amargosa, amargosite, amarillite, Amarillo, amaroidal, amaromycin, Amaryllidaceae, amaryllidaceous, amaryllis, amasesis, amass, amassette, amassing, amassment, A-mast, amastia, amastigote, amate, Amaterasu, amateur, amateurish, amateurishly, amateurism, amateurs, amateurship, Amati, amative, amatively, amativeness, amatol, amatorial, amatory, amaurosis, amausite, amaxophobia, amaze, amazed, amazedly, amazement, amazia, Amaziah, Amazinc, amazing, amazingly, amazon, Amazon River, Amazonas, Amazone, Amazonia, Amazonian, amazonite, Amazons, amb, Amb., ambage, ambages, ambagious, Ambala, Ambam, amban, ambarella, ambary, ambassador, ambassador-at-large, ambassadorial, ambassadorship, ambassadress, ambatch, Ambato, ambatoarinite, ambazone, ambeer, ambelline, ambenonium, amber, ambercane, amberfish, ambergris, amberina, amberite, amberjack, Amberlac, amberlite, amberoid, amberplex, amberwood, ambi-, ambiance, ambicoloration, ambident, ambidexter, ambidexterity, ambidexterous, ambidexterously, ambidextrous, ambidextrously, Ambien, ambience, ambient, ambiente, ambiguity, ambiguous, ambiguously, ambil-anak, ambilateral, ambilingnal, ambilingual, ambiophony, ambiopia, ambiparous, ambipharynx, ambiplasma, ambipolar, ambiquity, ambisextrous, ambisexual, ambisexuality, ambisinister, ambisinistrous, ambisonics, ambisporangiate, ambisyllabic, ambit, ambitendence, ambitendency, ambition, ambitious, ambitiously, ambitiousness, ambitus, ambivalence, ambivalent, ambiversion, ambivert, amble, ambler, ambloma, amblosis, amblotic, amblyacousia, Amblycera, amblychromasia, amblychromatic, amblygonite, amblykusis, amblyope, amblyopia, amblyopiatrics, Amblyopsidae, amblyoscope, amblyproct, Amblypygi, amblystegite, ambo, amboceptoid, amboceptor, amboceptorgen, Amboina, Amboinese, Amboise, ambomalleal, ambomycin, Ambon, ambones, Ambonese, ambonite, ambosexuality, amboss, ambotoxoid, amboyna, Ambrac, ambrain, Ambraloy, ambramycin, ambrein, ambrette, ambrettolide, ambrin, ambrine, ambrite, ambroid, ambroin, Ambrose, ambrosia, ambrosial, ambrosian, ambrosin, ambrosine, ambrosterol, ambrotype, ambruticin, ambry, ambsace, ambucaine, ambucetamide, ambulacra, ambulacral, ambulacralia, ambulacrum, ambulance, ambulance chaser, ambulanceman, ambulant, ambulate, ambulation, ambulator, Ambulatoria, ambulatorium, ambulatory, ambulet, ambuphylline, amburgos, ambury, ambuscade, ambush, ambushed, ambusher, ambuside, ambutyrosin, Ambystoma, Ambystomatidae, Ambystomoidea, AMC, AMCA, amcbiasis, AMCEE, Amchitka, Amcide, amcinafal, amcinonide, AMCS, AMD, AMDG, AMDS, AMDSB, AME, ameba, amebacide, amebadiastase, Amebae, amebaean, amebaphobia, amebean, Amebelodontinae, amebiasis, amebic, amebic dysentery, amebicide, amebid, amebiform, amebocyte, ameboid, ameboidism, ameboma, amebosis, ameburia, AMECO, ameda, amedalin, AMEE, ameer, ameerate, ameiosis, AMEL, amelanotic, ameleia, amelia, Amelie, amelification, ameliorable, ameliorant, ameliorate, amelioration, ameliorative, ameliorator, ameloblast, ameloblastoma, amelogenesis, Ameluridae, AMEME, amemolite, amen, amen corner, amenability, amenable, amenably, amend, amendable, amendatory, amende, amended, amender, amending, amendment, amendoa, amends, Amenhotep, amenia, amenities, amenity, amenomania, Amenophis, amenorrhea, amenorrhoea, amenotaxis, amensalism, ament, amentaceous, amentia, amentiferous, amentiform, amentum, AMER, Amera, Amerasian, amerce, amerceable, amercement, amerciable, AmerEnglish, America, American, American aloe, American bison, American dream, American elm, American English, American Federation of Labor, American football, American ginseng, American Indian, American Legion, American Party, American plan, American Revolution, American Sable, American Samoa, American Staffordshire Terrier, American standard code for information interchange, American Stock Exchange, american water spaniel, American wormseed, Americana, Americandom, Americanese, Americanisation, Americanise, Americanism, Americanist, americanitis, Americanization, Americanize, Americanologist, Americanophobia,


3G, 401(K), a,


科学60秒-科学美国人 2020年10月合集

But presumably the soft drink had some fans.



But soft drinks can also age us.



Do you serve soft drinks here?



There's too much sugar in soft drinks.


科学60秒 听力 2016年2月合集

Maybe too many sugary soft drinks.


CNN 10 学生英语 2022年2月合集

A 12-pack of 12-ounce soft drink cans up nearly 12 percent.



Then, for the rest of the year, I'm avoiding soft drinks.



I've decided to stay away from fried food and soft drinks.



It's not as intense as it would be in a soft drink.


我们这一天 第一季

Oh, yeah, right. Hey, I already packed the cooler. All soft drinks, no beer.


VOA Special 2018年5月合集

These children were physically in better shape and drank fewer sugary soft drinks.

通常,这些儿童的身体发育会更好, 含糖料也较少用。


Examples include soft drinks and candy, package snacks and pastries, ready-to-heat products and reconstituted meat products.



Mm. She's doing really well. The one that made soft drinks failed within six months.


VOA Special 2020年8月合集

He has blamed obesity and bad diets. He has described soft drinks as " bottled poison" .

他将此归咎于肥胖和不良的食习惯。他将软料称为" 瓶装毒药" 。


" One of the simplest changes to make is cutting down on soft drinks, " says Soutter.



Common culprits include coffee, citrus fruits, soft drinks, spicy food, and fried and other high-fat foods.

通常导致消化不良的罪魁祸首包括咖啡,柑橘类的水果,软料,辛 辣,油炸食品和其他高脂肪食物。


I think we should get some beer and wine and some fruit juice and other soft drinks.



A substance often found in soft drinks is caffeine, which helps to make people feel energized.



Soft drink bottles are usually made of a type of plastic called polyethylene terephthalate, or PET.

料瓶通常由一种叫做聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯或 PET 的塑料制成。


These added sugars can be found in a variety of foods, including soft drinks, desserts and breakfast cereals.




amfepramone, amfetaminil, amfetin, AMFIS, amfomycin, Amfortas, AMG, AMGA, Amgot, Amgun,


3G, 401(K), a,
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